

Public thesis defense : Maria Pia Di Campli

Maria Pia DI CAMPLI, Insitute for Medical Immunology - ULB

Title : "Deciphering the role of the mononuclear phagocyte system in post-transplant airway fibrosis"

Pia joined Stanislas Goriely Group in 2016. She is training as a thoracic surgeon. She was supported by the Fonds Erasme and then obtained a FRIA scholarship to work on the origin of myofibroblasts in the context of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome- a dreadful complication of lung transplantation. She is using fate-mapping approaches, confocal microscopy and single-cell transcriptomics in this context.

Thursday, September 10th, 2020 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Erasme Campus
Louise Popelin Auditorium (Building W - W.1.306)
808 Route de Lennik
1070 Anderlecht (Belgium)