
List in alphabetical order

VALENTIN, Clara (Véronique Flamand Group)
Previous Lab Member
Clara has a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from ULB. She joined the lab in 2019 with an ULB-ARC grant. Her PhD thesis project was dedicated to the study of the impacts of maternal probiotic supplementation on respiratory viral infection in the offspring. She is now post-doc in the group of François Trottein at the "THE CENTER FOR INFECTION & IMMUNITY " of the Pasteur Institute of Lille.
SMOUT, Justine (Véronique Flamand Group)
Previous Lab Member
Justine is a biomedical scientist. She completed her PhD thesis in 2022. She was funded by an ULB-ARC grant to study the impact of maternal probiotic supplementation on the development of allergic inflammatory responses in neonates. She is now a post-doctoral fellow at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (Germany) in the Experimental Immunology department headed by Jochen Hühn.
ABBAS, Yasmine (Véronique Flamand Group)
Yasmine joined the lab in 2022 to perform a master thesis on the role of maternal Immunoglobulins in shaping the neonatal immune response. Since 2023, she is now researcher in our lab and conducts scientific projects for external companies.
ACOLTY, Valérie (Guillaume Oldenhove Group)
Valérie has a solid expertise in cell culture, immunoassays and Flow cytometry. She has a strong expertise in the field of vaccine immunity and preclinical mouse models.
02 650 98 64
AJOUAOU, Yousra (Oberdan Leo Group)
Previous Lab Member
Yousra joined the immunobiology lab in 2016. She obtained a grant from the Télévie and her work is focused on the immune responses in the context oh hypoxia, with a particular interest in control of regulatory T cell activity by prolyl hydroxylase 2.
ALALUF, Emmanuelle (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Emmanuelle is training in internal medicine and oncology. She obtained a scholarship from the Fonds Erasme in 2015. She started her PhD under the supervision of Alain Le Moine to work the role of Heme Oxygenase 1 in tumor-associated macrophages and defended her thesis on Sept 29 2020 and authored a paper in JCI Insight on the topic.
AMAR, Narjis (Mostafa Chamekh Group)
PhD Student
Narjis obtained international master of health sciences (UH2 of casablanca and University of Marseille). She started her PhD on 2020 in co-ownership (ULB-UH2) on immune inflammatory responses in group B streptococcus infection.
ANDRIS, Fabienne (Fabienne Andris Group)
Principal Investigator
Fabienne is a FNRS research associate. She investigates the molecular mechanisms underpinning the differentiation of T cell subsets and the relationships between cell metabolism and immune response.
ARROBA NUNEZ, Luis Alexis (Mostafa Chamekh Group)
PhD Student
Alexis performed a master thesis in the lab (master degree in biomedical sciences at the faculty of medicine, ULB). He is preparing a PhD on the role of human umbilical endothelial cells in anti-infectious immune inflammatory response
+32 2 477 25 80
ASSABBAN, Assiya (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Assiya joined the lab in 2014. She obtained a FRIA scholarship to work on the role of inflammation in tumor development. She demonstrated the role of Tristetraprolin in the control of carcinogen-induced skin tumors.
AZOUZ, Abdulkader (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Abdulkader joined the lab in 2014 to work on memory CD8 T cells. He has a strong expertise in epigenetics. Although he was trained as a biologist, he also performs bio-informatic analysis for ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq and scRNA-Seq analysis in the lab.
BARBIEUX, Emeline (Eric Muraille Group)
PhD Student
Emeline joined the lab in 2019. She obtained a FRIA scholarship. The title of his research project is : Identification by Transposon Sequencing of bacterial essential genes for Brucella chronic infection in mice and cattle.
BIERLAIRE, Sébastien (Guillaume Oldenhove Group)
PhD Student
Sebastien graduated from Veterinary Medicine in 2022. After working in a biopharmaceutical company, he joined the lab in September 2024 as a PhD student. His thesis focuses on innate lympoid and regulatory T cells in adipose tissue, and their role in inflammatory pathologies.
BIZET, Martin (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Martin is a senior bioinformatician with strong expertise in epigenetic and transcriptomic. He leads a project on the prediction of vaccine responses in cohorts of susceptible patients.
BODAC, Anita (Etienne Meylan group)
PhD Student
BOSSI, Lorenzo (Fabienne Andris Group)
PhD Student
Lorenzo obtained his Master degree in Molecular Biology of the Cell at the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) in 2018.He is recipient of a grant from the MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) Consortium “Antibacterial Innovative Training Network, BactiVax”.His PhD thesis, realized under the joined supervision of S. Giltaire at ImmunXperts, aims at monitoring immune responses induced in vitro to different antigenic formulations targeting multi-drug resistant bacteria
BRAUN, Michel (Michel Braun Group)
Principal Investigator
BRAUNS, Elisa (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Elisa joined the lab in 2019. She is training in hematology and obtained a fellowship from the FNRS to work on antigen-specific and bystander tumor-infiltrating CD8 T cells. She is now also actively working on immune responses to COVID-19 infection.
CARON, Marianne (Valérie Wittamer Group)
Marianne obtained her bachelor degree in biotechnologie at “Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut” (HEPH Condorcet, Ath) in june 2014. She joined the laboratory in early 2015 as our Lab Manager.
CASIMIR, Georges (Georges Casimir Group)
Principal Investigator
CASSART, Lune (Fabienne Andris Group)
Master Student
Lune is a Master student in Molecular Biology (Faculty of Sciences). She is doing her master thesis on CD27 pathway- and Eomes transcription factor-driven T cell exhaustion.
CATALANO, Concetta (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
CEUPPENS, Apolline (Etienne Meylan group)
CHAMEKH, Mostafa (Mostafa Chamekh Group)
Principal Investigator
M. Chamekh obtained his PhD degree at the center of immunology and parasite biology at Pasteur institute of Lille, France, and worked as post-doctoral researcher in the flemish institute of biotechnology (VUB-VIB). His main research areas were the molecular basis of host-pathogen cross-talks. He investigated various infectious models, with the aim to uncover virulence mechanisms triggered by the pathogen or by the host inflammatory response.
+32 2 477 2329 /2580
COPIN, Richard (Eric Muraille Group)
Previous Lab Member
Richard was funded by UNamur and completed a thesis from 2004 to 2010 entitled: " Character ization of the relationship between Brucella melitensis and the innate immune response of the mouse"
CORAZZA, Francis (Francis Corazza Group)
Principal Investigator
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DAUBY, Nicolas (Arnaud Marchant Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
DAVENNE, Tamara (Oberdan Leo Group)
Tamara obtained her PhD at the University of Oxford in 2018. She did a postdoc at the KU Leuven for a year before joining InhaTarget Therapeutics as Principal Scientist. InhaTarget is a ULB spin-off which successfully secured help from SPW Recherche with the FIRST enterprise docteur scheme. The immunobiology lab provides the ideal environment for this collaboration. Tamara investigates the mechanisms of actions between inhaled cisplatin and immune checkpoint inhibitors in lung cancer.
DE DONCKER, Loïc (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
DE MEYER, Pauline (Valérie Wittamer Group)
Master Student
DE POORTERE, Antoine (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Antoine joined the lab to do his master thesis on the development of tumor-associated macrophages in humanized mice.
DE TOEUF, Bérengère (Stanislas Goriely Group, Cyril Gueydan Group)
Previous Lab Member
Bérengère joined the lab in 2014. She obtained a FRIA scholarship to prepare a PhD on the post-trancriptional regulation of gene expression during cellular adaptation to stress with a special focus on the role of the Tristetraprolin protein in controlling mRNA degradation. Bérengère graduated in 2019 and continue her work in the lab as a post-doctoral researcher.
DEBLANDRE, Pascale (Carine Truyens Group)
DECOT, Isabelle (Stanislas Goriely Group, Fabienne Andris Group, Guillaume Oldenhove Group, Oberdan Leo Group, Etienne Meylan group)
Administrative staff
Isabelle provides administrative support to different team members of the laboratory.
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DEJOLIER, Solange (Fabienne Andris Group)
PhD Student
Solange obtained her Master degree in BBMC at ULB in 2022. She obtained a fellowship from the FNRS to study genes and pathways implicated in T lymphocyte (dys)function in the liver.
DELBAUVE , Sandrine (Véronique Flamand Group)
Sandrine has a strong expertise in Molecular Biology, Immunoassays, cell culture and Biosafety. She has a broad expertise in preclinical models and Flow Cytometry.
DEMARET, Florine (Véronique Flamand Group)
Florine joined our team in 2022 to bring her expertise in animal caring and experimentation. She is now responsible for the daily management of our animal facility.
DEMARS, Aurore (Eric Muraille Group)
Previous Lab Member
Aurore joined the lab in 2016. She obtained a FRIA scholarship. The title of his research project is : Characterization of the early stages of pulmonary Brucella melitensis infection in mice.
DENANGLAIRE, Sébastien (Fabienne Andris Group)
Sébastien has a strong expertise in Flow Cytometry ranging from multicolor antibody panel conception to data analysis (classical analysis software and unsupervised clustering). He has also a broad expertise in cell culture and molecular biology.
02 650 98 78
DENY, Maud (Mostafa Chamekh Group)
PhD Student
Maud performed a master thesis in the lab (master degree in biomedical sciences at the faculty of medicine, ULB). She is currently preparing her PhD thesis on the potential role of chromosome X-linked microRNAs in gender-bias of the inflammatory response
DETAVERNIER, Aurélie (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Aurélie joined the lab in 2014 as a PhD student. Her thesis focused on monocyte differentiation in the context of Toxoplasma gondii infection. Since November 2019, she is in charge of developing humanized mice models to study the biology of human tumor-associated macrophages.
DI CAMPLI, Maria-Pia (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Pia joined the lab in 2016. She is training as a thoracic surgeon. She was supported by the Fonds Erasme and then obtained a FRIA scholarship to work on the origin of myofibroblasts in the context of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome- a dreadful complication of lung transplantation. She is using fate-mapping approaches, confocal microscopy and single-cell transcriptomics in this context. Pia defended her PhD on Sept 10 2020 and published her work in the European Respiratory Journal.
DI RUGGIERO, Elodie (Valérie Wittamer Group)
Previous Lab Member
Elodie received her Master degree in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 2013. Elodie joined our laboratory in October 2014 as a PhD research fellow of the FNRS/FRIA. She is studying the implication of chemerin, a chemoattractant agent, in cancer biology.
DIMOVA, Tanya (David Vermijlen Group)
Previous Lab Member
Tanya Dimova was a post-doctoral fellow in the team of David Vermijlen from 2009 till 2012 (funding FEDER/European commission, ‘Immunomonitoring of gammadelta T cells’). Her research focused on the gammadelta T cells present in human fetal peripheral blood.
DONCKIER DE DONCEEL, Emmanuelle (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Emmanuelle joined the lab to work on the role of heme oxygenase-1 in human TAMs. She obtained a Télévie scholarship to start her PhD in October 2022.
DREIDI, Hacene (Fabienne Andris Group)
PhD Student
Hacene obtained his Master degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Paris Diderot (France) and joined the lab in 2021. He is recipient of an FNRS/Télévie scholarship to study the mechanisms that drive T cell exhaustion in the context of hepatocarcinoma.
DUBOIS, Ingrid (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Ingrid joined the lab in 2019 to work on the role of mRNA stability in tumor development. She has a strong expertise with mouse models and in vivo studies
EL KORCHI, Sanâa (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Sanâa obtained a PhD grant from the FNRS in 2024 to study the cellular and molecular signals that dictate the transcriptional states of human Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) using in vitro models that recapitulate human TAMs phenotypic and molecular features.
ENGLEBERT, Kevin (Guillaume Oldenhove Group)
PhD Student
Kevin joined the lab in 2016. He received a FRIA fellowship to study the mechanisms that regulate the immune response associated with adipose tissue. His work focuses on the role of negative costimulators that modulate type 2 immunity in the context of obesity.
FERRERO, Giuliano (Valérie Wittamer Group)
Previous Lab Member
Giuliano earned his master’s degree in Medical Biotechnology from the University of Turin. Awarded a UNI (ULB Neuroscience Institute) PhD fellowship, he joined our lab in 2015. Funded by an Aspirant FNRS grant, he is currently working on microglia development.
FLAMAND, Véronique (Véronique Flamand Group)
Principal Investigator
Véronique was trained as biologist at ULB. She was a post-doctoral fellow at N.I.H.-N.I.A.I.D. (MA, U.S.A.). She is now Professor at ULB, she is teaching Immunology. She is conducting several preclinical studies on innate and adaptive Immunity. She has a strong expertise on dendritic cells and T-cell activation in early life and in tumor models.
FRAIKIN, Audrey (Véronique Flamand Group, Eric Muraille Group)
PhD Student
Audrey has a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from the Université de Namur (Belgium). She performed her Master thesis on Brucella melitensis with Prs. Eric Muraille and Xavier De Bolle (URBM, Namur). She started her PhD in december 2021 in the team of Pr. Véronique Flamand. She is conducting preclinical research on the mechanisms of maternal antibodies impacts on neonatal immunity thanks to a NIH international funding with Pr. Arnaud Marchant.
FRENIÈRE, Marine (Michel Braun Group)
PhD Student
GABRILO, Jelena (Oberdan Leo Group)
PhD Student
Jelena joined the lab in January 2019. She obtained a grant from the Télévie and her work aims at the identification of regulatory pathways that oppose a therapeutic response to anti-PD1 treatment in murine tumor models.
GATTI, Deborah (David Vermijlen Group)
Previous Lab Member
Deborah was a post-doctoral fellow in the team of David Vermijlen from 2017 till 2019, with an MSCA individual fellowship (Horizon 2020, European Commission). She worked on γδ TCR ligand identification and participated to projects related to human γδ T cell development.
GEMANDER, Nicolas (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
GKASTI, Aspasia (Etienne Meylan group)
PhD Student
GORIELY, Stanislas (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Principal Investigator
Stanislas was trained as a medical doctor at the ULB. He is a FNRS research Director. His initial works focused on the regulation of interleukin-12 family members during health and disease. Recent works address the developmental plasticity of the mononuclear phagocyte system and the control of cytokine production in the context of infection, chronic inflammation and cancer.
GUEYDAN, Cyril (Cyril Gueydan Group)
Principal Investigator
Cyril was trained as a molecular biologist at the University of Montpellier (France) and at ULB. He is now associate professor at ULB where he teaches molecular Biology. Cyril has a long-standing interest in studying the post-transcriptional mechanisms controlling gene expression in eukaryotic organisms. His work is mainly focused on the control of mRNA stability and translation.
HANOT MAMBRES, Delphine (Eric Muraille Group)
Previous Lab Member
Delphine was funded by FNRS and completed a thesis from 2010 to 2014 entitled: "Relationship between Brucella melitensis and the associated immune response after intranasal infection in mice"
HASTIR, Jean-François (Véronique Flamand Group)
Previous Lab Member
Jean-François is a biomedical scientist who joined the lab in 2015 and completed his PhD Thesis in 2020. He was funded by a Télévie grant to study the immunological mechanisms involved in Hepatic Regeneration. He is now post-doc in the "Laboratory of Myeloid Cell Biology in Tissue Homeostasis and Regeneration" of Martin Guilliams (UGent - VIB) to study the Biology of Kupffer Cells.
HODY, Clara (Cyril Gueydan Group)
PhD Student
Clara joined the lab in 2019. She obtained a FNRS aspirant Scholarship to study the role of mRNA 3’Untranslated region in translation dependent stress adaptation. Clara works under the joined supervision of Cyril Gueydan (Laboratoire de Biologie moléculaire du gene, ULB) and Mathieu Defrance (IBI2, ULB).
HOSSEINZADEH, Leila (Etienne Meylan group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
HUSSEIN, Hind (Fabienne Andris Group)
Previous Lab Member
Hind is a molecular biologist who joined the lab in 2016 and completed her PhD Thesis in 2020. She was funded by a FRIA scholarship to study the mechanisms that regulate the specification of intestinal regulatory T cells. Her work was published in Frontiers in Immunology, 2020. She is now Postdoctoral research scientist in the laboratory of Prof Guy Boeckxstaens at KU Leuven, where she works on intestinal inflammation
JIANG, Yiwei (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
KEMLIN, Delphine (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
KÖHLER , Arnaud (Véronique Flamand Group, David Vermijlen Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Arnaud joined the lab in 2011 as a PhD student in Biomedical Science with a F.R.I.A. grant (team Véronique Flamand). He co-discovered the neonatal precursors of type 1 conventional dendritic cells. He developed a strong expertise on the impact of microbiota on neonatal pre-cDC1. He is now conducting preclinical research in the teams of Véronique Flamand and David Vermijlen on the cross-talk between maternal microenvironment and the neonatal pre-cDC1 and γδ T cells.
LA, Caroline (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Caroline is training in internal medicine with an interest in nephrology. She obtained an FNRS Research fellowship to work initially on the molecular mechanisms regulating ischemia-reperfusion injury under the supervision of Alain Le Moine. Supported by the Fonds Erasme, she then worked in the lab on gut and skin immune homeostasis in a model of spontaneous inflammation. Caroline defended her PhD work on September 9 2020 and published her work in JCI Insight and Mucosal Immunology
LA, Céline (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Céline is doing her internship in rhumatology. She joined the lab in 2021 to work on the role of innate and innate-like lymphoid cells in joint inflammation. This project is a collaborative effort with the lab of Dirk Elewaut in Ghent.
LA PALOMBARA, Léa (Véronique Flamand Group)
PhD Student
Léa joined our lab to perform a Master thesis in Analytical Engineering at the "Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (HelHa)". She is now conducting a PhD thesis studying the role of cDC1-derived extracellular vesicles in the particular polarization of neonatal adaptive immune responses.
LAGNEAUX, Laurence (Clinical Cellular Therapy Research Laboratory (LTCC))
Principal Investigator
LAMRISSI, Amin (Mostafa Chamekh Group)
PhD Student
Amin obtained his medical degree in gynecology at the UH2 of Casablanca. He is preparing his PhD in co-ownership (ULB-UH2) on epidemiology of bacterial infections in mother-infant pair
LE, Aurore (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Aurore joined the lab in 2016. She graduated as a dermatologist and obtained a FRIA scholarship to work on physiopathology of psoriasis. She is using the classical imiquimod-induced skin inflammation model to look at the role of JNK1 in different cellular compartments. Aurore defended her PhD on December 1, 2020 and published her work in Frontiers in Immunology
LE MOINE, Marie (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Marie joined the lab in 2018. She is training in internal medicine and obtained a fellowship from the FNRS to work on the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of CD8 T cell differentiation. In particular, she is studying the role of Eomes in infection and tumor models.
LÉCUYER, Déborah (Etienne Meylan group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
LEO, Oberdan (Oberdan Leo Group)
Principal Investigator
LEPEZ, Anouk (Fabienne Andris Group)
Previous Lab Member
Anouk joined the lab in 2016. She was recipient of a FRIA scholarship to investigate the interplay between T cell metabolism and immune function. She has demonstrated that AMP-activated kinase controls mitochondrial fitness and promotes the proliferative capacity of T cells (published in Sc. Reports, 2020). She pursues her work as a Postdoc in the lab. of Prof. P. Romero at the University of Lausanne,where she develops new protocols of CAR-T cell development through modulation of cell metabolism
LEWALLE, Philippe (Experimental Haematology Laboratory (HEMEXP))
Principal Investigator
LI, Shuang (Michel Braun Group)
Previous Lab Member
LIANG, Manfei (Cyril Gueydan Group)
Previous Lab Member
Manfei obtained a Msc from Shandong University (China). In 2015, she obtained a scholarship from China Scholarship Council and joined the lab to prepare a PhD on the control of mRNA translation under hypoxic conditions.
LOBO, Milan (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Milan is a master student in Molecular Biology (Faculty of Sciences). He is doing his master thesis on human Tumor-associated macrophages under the supervision of Aurélie Detavernier.
LUYPAERT, Maëlle (Etienne Meylan group)
MA, Ling (David Vermijlen Group)
Previous Lab Member
Ling obtained her master from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. She joined the team of David Vermijlen in November 2015 (funding Chinese Scholarship Council) and presented her PhD thesis in 2020, entitled: 'The γδ T cell response towards Toxoplasma infection and towards mistletoe extracts'.
MACHELART, Arnaud (Eric Muraille Group)
Previous Lab Member
Arnaud was funded by FRIA and completed a thesis from 2012 to 2016 entitled: "Impact de l'asthme allergique et de l'infection par Trypanosoma brucei sur le contrôle de l’infection par Brucella melitensis chez la souris"
MARCHANT, Arnaud (Arnaud Marchant Group)
Principal Investigator
MARTENS, Vincent (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Vincent joined the lab in 2020 to help with the development of the humanized mice platform. He manages the numerous mouse colonies of the team.
MASCART, Françoise (Françoise Mascart Group)
Principal Investigator
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MAYET, Abdullah (Etienne Meylan group)
PhD Student
MELCHIOR, Maxime (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Maxime is MD and works in Rheumatology. He obtained a research grant from the Fonds Erasme to better understand the biology of human innate and “innate-like” lymphoid subpopulations using humanised mouse models that recapitulate the ontogeny of these cells in vivo.
MEYLAN, Etienne (Etienne Meylan group)
Principal Investigator
MISEROCCHI, Magali (Valérie Wittamer Group)
PhD Student
Magali obtained her bachelor degree in biomedical science at Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2016. She’s currently doing her thesis in our lab.
MONTANARI, Alice (Valérie Wittamer Group)
PhD Student
Alice obtained her Master degree in Experimental and Applied Biology from the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) in July 2019. She joined our laboratory in November 2019 as a PhD student.
MOSER, Muriel (Guillaume Oldenhove Group)
University Professor
MURAILLE, Eric (Eric Muraille Group)
Principal Investigator
Eric was trained as a Biological at the ULB. He is a FNRS senior research associate. Eric is mainly devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of the pathogenic host relationship in the model of infection by the Brucella bacteria in mice, as well as to the teaching of Immunology. He also tries to contribute to scientific communication as well as to the development of the theory of evolution.
NARDIN, Antoine (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Antoine is a 3rd year engineering student from AgroParisTech. He will spend a 6-month internship working on advanced in vitro models of Tumor-associated Macrophages.
NAVARRO GARCIA, Leticia (Michel Braun Group)
Previous Lab Member
NGUYEN, Muriel (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Muriel has a broad expertise with cell culture, basic and advanced molecular biology, sample preparation… She also plays a key role in the managment of the lab.
OLDENHOVE, Guillaume (Guillaume Oldenhove Group)
Principal Investigator
After his PhD at ULB on the control of immune responses by regulatory T cells, Guillaume moved in 2007 as a visiting research fellow in the Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, to study the mechanisms that govern regulatory T cells plasticity. After his post-doc, he returns to ULB and focus his work on mechanisms controlling the development of inflammatory responses in tissues, with particular emphasis on the gastrointestinal tract and adipose tissue
02 650 98 64
OLISLAGERS, Véronique (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PAPADOPOULOU, Maria (David Vermijlen Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Maria joined the lab in October 2015. She is a pharmacist and obtained a FRIA scholarship (FNRS) for her PhD thesis on the thymic development and peripheral function of γδ T cells (supervisor David Vermijlen). She continues to work in the group as a postdoctoral researcher (FNRS) and co-supervises two PhD students. She is focusing on the role of γδ T cells in biliary atresia (a liver disease affecting young children) and the characterisation of γδ T cells in the human periphery.
PAULART, Frédéric (Stanislas Goriely Group, Arnaud Marchant Group, Michel Braun Group, Véronique Flamand Group)
Administrative staff
Fred is our lab manager; he has multiple key roles in the institute, including maintaining and developing the technological platforms and ensuring the best environment for the researchers.
PAUWELS, Jeanne (Véronique Flamand Group)
PhD Student
Jeanne is a Biomedical Scientist who joined the lab in May 2021. Her thesis project will study the impact of maternal probiotics supplementation on immune system development in very early life, with a particular focus on the role of maternal IgGs.
PEDRON, Annabelle (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Annabelle obtained her Master in Immunology in Paris. She joined the lab in 2021 to start a PhD on functional reprogramming of human macrophages in the tumor microenvironment.
PONCELET, Arthur (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Arthur obtained his internship in internal medicine and infectious diseases. He joined the lab in 2021 to work on the influence of herpesviruses such as EBV on the immune system using humanised mouse models in the frame of a collaboration with the team of Bénédicte Machiels from the University of Liège.
POTEMBERG, Georges (Eric Muraille Group)
Previous Lab Member
Georges was funded by FRIA and completed a thesis from 2016 to 2020 entitled: " Identification des gènes bactériens indispensables lors d’une infection pulmonaire par Brucella dans le modèle expérimental murin"
POZO GOMEZ, Jennifer (Valérie Wittamer Group)
PhD Student
Jennifer obtained her Master degree in Biological Medicine from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in June 2017. She joined our laboratory in October 2017 as a PhD student. Jennifer is studying the role of chemerin in tumorigenesis.
PUTIGNANO, Antonella (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
RAMI, Abdelkader (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Administrative staff
Abdel is in charge of the maintenance of the equipments in the institute.
RANA, Sarika (Etienne Meylan group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
REZWANI, Moosa (David Vermijlen Group)
PhD Student
Moosa joined David Vermijlen's team as a PhD student in December 2022, where he is investigating human γδ T cells in the context neonatal immunity and cancer immunosurveillance (funding: WELBIO). He obtained his master's degree in Immunology from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran. Along with Immunology, he is also interested in big data analysis and bioinformatics.
ROUMA, Thomas (Eric Muraille Group)
Master Student
ROVIRA, Mireia (Valérie Wittamer Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Mireia obtained her PhD in the laboratory of Dr. Josep Planas at the University of Barcelona in 2016. In 2017 she joined the Evolutive Immunology research group led by Dr. Nerea Roher at the Biotechnology and Biomedicine Institute in a collaborative project with Dr. María Isabel Pividori’s laboratory at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), to develop fish biosensors. Since 2018, she joined our lab as a postdoctoral researcher to work on microglia development and neuroregeneration.
SANCHEZ, Guillem (David Vermijlen Group)
PhD Student
Guillem obtained a Master in Advanced Immunology (University of Barcelona) and started as a PhD student in the team of David Vermijlen in October 2019 (funding: Télévie FNRS). His primary research topic is the molecular understanding of the generation of human innate γδ T cells. He is investigating as well the role of γδ T cells in sepsis in infants and is involved, via external collaborations, in other projects such as the repertoire analysis of unconventional αβ T cells.
SHALA, Valdrin (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Valdrin has decided to join our lab during his final year of medicine. He worked under the supervision of Marie Le Moine on T cell exhaustion in a model of hepatocarcinoma.
SHARMA, Shilpee (Arnaud Marchant Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
SPLITTGERBER, Marion (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Marion is specialized in bio-informatics. She helps the different teams to process and analyse transcriptomic and epigenetic data.
SZYMCZAK, Florian (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Florian is bio-informatician. He took his PhD in 2024 in the lab of Decio Eizirik and Miriam Cnop on human pancreatic beta cell transcriptional network. He joined the team to work on Systems vaccinology projects together with Martin.
TAFESSE, Yohannes (David Vermijlen Group)
PhD Student
Yohannes obtained his master's in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the University of Pavia. He joined the team of David Vermijlen in November 2019. In close collaboration with the team of Véronique Flamand, he is investigating the role of the (maternal) microbiome in the development and function of γδ T cells in an early-life mouse model, and whether this can be modulated by the maternal administration of probiotics (funding FRIA FNRS).
TATON, Martin (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
TEMARA, Soren (Fabienne Andris Group)
PhD Student
Soren obtained his master degree in BBMC at ULB in 2023 and is recipient of an FNRS/Télévie scholarship. His PhD aims at characterizing the effects of immune chekpoint inhibitors in the physiology of the liver immune response.
THIRIARD, Anaïs (Arnaud Marchant Group)
Postdoctoral Fellow
THOMAS, Séverine (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Séverine has a strong expertise in immunomonitoring. She is in charge of the Flow Cytometry and cell sorting platform.
TIATSOP, Paule (Fabienne Andris Group)
Master Student
Paule is a Master student in Molecular Biology at U-Charleroi (Faculties of Sciences of ULB and UMons). Her master thesis aims at identifying experimental conditions driving the development of resident memory and exhausted T cells in vitro and in vivo.
TIEPPO, Paola (David Vermijlen Group)
Previous Lab Member
Paola joined the team of David Vermijlen in 2014. She defended with success her PhD thesis in 2020, entitled 'The development of human fetal γδ thymocytes' (funding Télévie FNRS).
TORRES , David (Véronique Flamand Group)
David is a biologist who obtained his PhD at the Université of Orléans (France). He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute Pasteur of Lille. In 2009, he joined the group where he co-discovered the neonatal precursors of type 1 conventional dendritic cells. He has a strong expertise in Flow cytometry and preclinical models of microbial infections. In 2023 he joined the CER group as a project leader and is currently a scientific collaborator at ULB to reinforce our collaboration with the CER
VAN HEDE, Dorien (David Vermijlen Group)
Previous Lab Member
Dorien performed her PhD thesis entitled ‘Role of γδ T cells in the progression of human papilloma virus-associated lesions’ (2012-2017), under co-supervision with Nathalie Jacobs (ULiège).
VAN HORENBEKE, Florian (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Florian started his PhD in March 2024 to work on the transcriptional regulation of tumor-associated macrophages. He develops advanced 3D spheroid models with the aim to recapitulate the biology of these cells in vitro.
VENTUROLI, Desiree (Stanislas Goriely Group)
PhD Student
Desiree started her PhD in September 2024 to work on genome editing in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In collaboration with the group of Lionel Tafforeau (UMons) and a Walloon consortium (Win4Excellence-GT4Health), she will improve current solutions for gene therapy in human HSCs.
VERDEBOUT, Isoline (David Vermijlen Group)
PhD Student
Isoline obtained a Master in Pharmaceutical sciences from the ULB. She joined the team of David Vermijlen as a PhD student in October 2021. She is investigating the role of a common genetic variation on the development of innate versus adaptive γδ T cells and the potential underlying mechanisms (funding FNRS).
VERMIJLEN, David (David Vermijlen Group)
Principal Investigator
After his PhD at the VUB on natural killer cells of the liver, David went to London for a post-doc in the laboratory of Prof. Adrian Hayday at King’s College to investigate human γδ T cells (2003-2006). After his return to Belgium, David continued to work on γδ T cells at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), with a focus on their role and ontogeny in early life. He is professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and WELBIO investigator.
VILAIN, Laurence (Stanislas Goriely Group, Arnaud Marchant Group, Michel Braun Group, Véronique Flamand Group)
Administrative staff
VILLANUEVA ALCANTARA, Aresio (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Aresio joined the lab in 2019 as a PhD student. He works on the role of innate lymphoid cells in chronic inflammation in collaboration with the teams of Guillaume Oldenhove and Cyril Gueydan.
VITRY, Marie-Alice (Eric Muraille Group)
Previous Lab Member
Marie-Alice was funded by FNRS and completed a thesis from 2009 to 2013 entitled: " On the components of adaptive immune response involved in the control of a primary and secondary infection by Brucella melitensis"
VITSOS, Panagiotis (Panos) (David Vermijlen Group)
PhD Student
Panos is a biologist and has completed the interdisciplinary MSc “Applications of Biology in Medicine” at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He joined the group of David Vermijlen in October 2022 as a PhD student. His WELBIO-funded research project focuses on characterizing the γδ T cell compartment in peripheral tissues, such as the human lung.
VOGEL, Isabel (Oberdan Leo Group)
Previous Lab Member
Isabel obtained her PhD in biomedical science at the KUL and joined the lab in 2016. She is working on characterizing (regulatory) T-cell heterogeneity during autoimmunity.
VU DUC, Ines (Arnaud Marchant Group)
WATHELET, Alain (Carine Truyens Group)
WEICHSELBAUM, Laura (Stanislas Goriely Group)
Previous Lab Member
Laura joined the lab in 2015 as an FNRS Research fellow. She is trained as a gastro-enterologist and works with patients that suffer from hepatic cirrhosis. Her project aims at the identification of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to the susceptibility of these patients to infection. This project is led in collaboration with Thierry Gustot (hôpital Erasme and Laboratoire de Gastro-entérologie expérimentale).
WELBA, Dansala (Arnaud Marchant Group)
PhD Student
WILLARD-GALLO, Karen (Molecular Immunology Laboratory (MIU))
Principal Investigator
WILLEMS, Fabienne (Stanislas Goriely Group, Arnaud Marchant Group)
Principal Investigator
Fabienne is Professor at the ULB and lecturer at the UMONS where she teaches immunology. Her initial works focused on signaling pathways regulating inflammatory responses in humans. This led her to study the ontogeny of the human immune system and to decipher the early molecular signatures predicting the development of the adaptive immune response to vaccine adjuvants. Recent works address the role of epigenetic and transcriptional changes in myeloid cells in the context of vaccination.
WITTAMER , Valérie (Valérie Wittamer Group)
Principal Investigator
Valérie performed her graduate work in the laboratory of Marc Parmentier at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) where she identified chemerin as the endogenous ligand of the orphan G protein-coupled receptor ChemR23. She then joined the laboratory of David Traver at University of California at San Diego (UCSD) where she developed novel zebrafish transgenic lines that provided new insights into the cellular biology of the zebrafish hematopoietic system. She started her own laboratory in 2014.
ZAHRA, Aicha (Mostafa Chamekh Group)
Master Student
Zahra is currently preparing her master degree in biomedical sciences, ULB
ZERAA, Hamza (Michel Braun Group)
Master Student
ZUCCHI, Alessandro (Carine Truyens Group)
PhD Student