

Public thesis defense : Emmanuelle Alaluf

Emmanuelle ALALUF, Insitute for Medical Immunology - ULB

Title : "Implications de l’hème oxygénase-1 myéloïde dans l’échappement à la réponse antitumorale"

Emmanuelle is training in internal medicine and oncology. She obtained a scholarship from the Fonds Erasme in 2015. She started her PhD under the supervision of Alain Le Moine to work the role of Heme Oxygenase 1 in tumor-associated macrophages.

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Erasme Campus
Claude Auditorium (Building F - F2.204)
808 Route de Lennik
1070 Anderlecht (Belgium)