
New publication in Science Translational Medicine on the imprinting of monocytes by vaccine adjuvants

Most vaccines based on recombinant antigens rely on coadministration with an adjuvant to elicit a robust immune response. Although adjuvants are needed for many vaccines, it is less clear which adjuvant(s) should be paired with each immunogen. In this article, GSK and IMI researchers from the group of Fabienne Willems and Arnaud Marchant showed that an AS01-adjuvanted hepatitis B virus vaccine, which induces robust CD4+ T cell responses against the vaccine antigen, also elicited trained immunity in human recipients, which was not observed in an Alum-adjuvanted vaccine. These data demonstrate that selecting an adjuvant should be done carefully and that different adjuvants have distinct effects on both innate and adaptive immunity.

31 Jul 2024 Vol 16, Issue 758
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adl3381